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God's Provision

One of the reasons why I love what I do is because I have the opportunity to see God’s hand in so many ways… His touch and provision in so many circumstances…  It’s not that God’s hand isn’t everywhere… It’s just that sometimes when people are more “on the edge” and you see things come together, you know its because of God... and only God…

Because I work with people “on the edge” – who don’t have any “buffers”, personal savings or credit line to get them out of hard situations – I have the incredible privilege of seeing God at work… day after day…  Sometimes when I get bogged down with “work” and “worries” I need to step back… and see what God is doing…  He’s always there - I sometimes just have my eyes concentrating on something else…   (I always tell my girls to keep their eyes on Christ…  I need to take my own advice!)

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Thankful To Be Alive

Thankful for life...

The other day, after looking at her MRI and CAT scans, her huge incision... I could imagine how big her brain tumor was and it made the fact that she was back to talking, moving, thinking even more amazing...  The difference from days before was incredible when she was debilitated from excruciating pain and had little movement and speech...  Her side effects now are not being able to tie a knot or do things like untangle her IV tubes untangled... One eye is a bit cross eyed... and there are certain events/people she can’t remember... and texting on her cell phone takes almost too much effort to figure out...  

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Well... Actually... Not Well

Well… actually… not well…

…since Wednesday in the evening I’ve been under the weather – I think it was the mild version of “mosquito fever” that is going around… that comes with headaches… eye aches… everything aches… On Friday we hosted a team from Saskatoon – they dug/built Mery an outhouse… and divided into groups to visit some of our other students… but then on Saturday and Sunday we were able to lie low at the property…  Today I’m feeling basically back to normal…so I’m  happy…

…but actually… not really…

While I was trying not to complain about my head aching, I couldn’t help but wonder how GIOVANNA – the girl with the brain tumor – could bear her pain – when mine wasn’t that bad but it still made it hard to concentrate on anything else… 

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"I feel like I have been with God all day..."

First of all… a BIG THANK-YOU for all of you who took the time to write to Marco…  He really appreciated it… (I think he’ll start sending more letters now!!!)  We’ve been meaning to respond but the last week or two have been crazy…

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Easter is just around the corner… Here it is called “Holy Week”… 

“Religious” people here have started their processions; others go to the extreme of whipping themselves…  Others are finishing up their 40 days of Lent - giving up something they really like after their unlimited “freedoms” of Carnaval (Mardi Gras).  Christians are planning sunrise services…  and getting together for breakfast… 

Easter truly is worth celebrating – Jesus’ death and resurrection - the meaning of our life, our belief – not limiting Jesus to a helpless baby in a manger or a “dead body” on a crucifix… He is Christ Jesus – the acceptable sacrifice for our sins… ALIVE… so we can have meaning in our own life and look forward to being with Him forever too… 

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