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Good News & Bad News X 2

I think that something needs to happen – either good or bad – to inspire us to write – and that is what happened to me...

One good piece of news is just seeing how the construction of our boy’s workshops is advancing day by day – it is probably 75% finished...


The other good news is a dream come true.  Ron L., a fellow believer (American), has lived here and worked for decades in agriculture and ranching.  Recently he has been through a very tumultuous time - the government abusively confiscated his main ranch (1000’s of hectares).  Ron was interested in our boys’ project (who it was directed to and how we planned to work – knowledge of God, technical trade training and sports).  Almost as soon as he saw the construction site he showed his approval by offering to build a small soccer field –for 5 or 6 players per team – with synthetic grass (Marco’s dream)... Not only that, he is buying the lot next door so that the field can be official size – and include bathrooms, showers and change rooms....  Isn’t that incredible!!!

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Do annoying things overshadow more important things in your life?

Paper work/standing in lines… car troubles… technology… and Keiden being sick… I don’t like any of them… and I’ve seen too much of them lately!

…I had to go 7 or 8 times to renew my drivers’ licence – including a 3 hour wait for my “eye and physical examination” which consisted of an 8 second eye exam and a 12 second conversation of where I’m from!...  One time I waited through 5 lines - Keiden in one arm, my paperwork and my broken flip flop in the other – only to have a policemen tell me not to bend my papers so much… and to hurry because he was behind!  Right before I got my final pictures, a policewoman told me I really should comb my hair! =)  Anyhow…I finally got my drivers’ licence!!!  No comment on my picture!!! =)  Unfortunately, it’s valid for only 9 months because of an irregularity from 15 years ago!!! 

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"a little voice inside..."

Giovanna has “a little voice inside”...  Do you remember that she asked me what she should do about her “San Jorge” – the patron saint of the thieves – and that she was afraid of what might happen if she got rid of it?  Well... on Monday she felt she needed to get rid of the San Jorge and another saint in her room... they actually were Merto’s (the father of her son... Jorge)... so she returned them... her explanation of why – She had opened her heart to God... and “God doesn’t like competition...” 

She got home and the little voice inside her let her know she wasn’t done...  she threw out cards with the image of San Jorge... and with that, a weight rolled off her back...

On Tuesday when she came to El Jordan, we read verses about the Holy Spirit.. who lives in believers, will never abandon them, and guides them to all truth...  Afterwards Giovanna said...”Thank you so much for teaching me...  I never knew those things... I was so wrong... so blind...”  Today she came to study the Bible with Jovana... and would like to come back tomorrow too...  

She went to the cancer clinic this morning but they only accept 8 new patients a day... In order to get one of those spots, you have to sleep/wait outside of the cancer clinic from midnight until the morning... so that’s where she is tonight...  She really doesn’t want to go through chemo and radiation... for money reasons and also because she feels that if it is only to prolong her life for a little while, she’d rather leave her life in God’s hands...

Thank you for praying...



“Now this is eternal life:

 that they may know you,

 the only true God, and Jesus Christ,

 whom you have sent.”

John 17:3

On Monday, the same day Giovanna got out of the hospital, she wanted to come to study the Bible... but her room is way on the other side of the city and by the time she went home to get a shower, it would be too late to get back to El Jordan on time...  She wanted to come on Tuesday but her dad was out looking for people to donate blood to replace what they used in Giovanna’s surgery... and because she had never been to El Jordan, she was afraid of getting lost...  Wednesday I was going to be out... so on Thursday Giovanna was “finally” able to come and study the Bible...

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