I saw God´s fingerprints today… and yesterday… and the day before…
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Elizabeth showed up with 2 small green peppers, slightly withered, 2 onions and a head of garlic… Matilde rummaged in her purse and proudly displayed a little plastic bag with 4 o 5 kool-aids in it, “I brought the juice!” Miriam had rice and a pot… With my chicken, we were ready to go…
Keep your lives free from the love of money
and be content with what you have,
because God has said,
and be content with what you have,
because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”
never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
This was our theme verse for November… finalizing with a practical week of bringing something from our “house” that we could share with someone who needs more… Our other Bible Studies went downtown, to a market, to a place for old folks and to a home for mentally challenged boys armed with donations to share … On Monday, we went into the woods to make a typical rice/chicken dish (majadito) to share with the addicts who live there…
Alongside of the people who live under trees, tarps and scraps of wood, metal we gathered firewood and made a fire… The front piece of an old fan was our rack to put the pot on… it had obviously served the same purpose before…
Sitting on a plastic jug, an old reed mat and some tree trunks, our girls discovered first hand, “…the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35
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Every Wednesday, by 5:15 a.m., I go “shopping” to the city´s amazing outdoor wholesale vegetable and fruit market where all other markets, supermarkets and restaurants get their fresh produce… Years ago, I´d see people having lunch “first thing in the morning” in this market and would wonder how people could eat so much… How often we place a judgment without really understanding! This market is at its peak while most of the city is sleeping… They have their lunch when we are having our breakfast! At 2 a.m. it is swarming with people frantically buying and selling by huge basketfuls, boxes and 200 lbs. bags… there literally are traffic jams of wheelbarrows… some carrying 400 pounds of food or more, racing here and there… By the time I get to the market, the activity has already tapered… but there is still a buzz of energy and excitement in the air… It´s great…
Anyhow… I do the veggie shopping for the workshops, my family and for the girls so we can get our vegetables fresher and cheaper … The market covers many city blocks… so it is, but it isn´t, a one stop deal…
This past Wednesday I was tired and got a wheelbarrow man from the far end of the market to carry my stuff… He was an older man… and in the midst of the hustle and bustle, he brightened my day… As he pushed my purchases along the street he would pause and say hi to everyone he knew - other wheelbarrow men, vendors, people walking along… They would look up, smile… and say hi back… He was so CONTENT… In the few minutes I walked along side of him, he lightened my heart… and that of probably 20 other people…
Could other people say that about me when I walk beside them? Or do I let the hustle and bustle steal the joy from my heart?
I chatted with him a bit before I left… and he responded by sharing a bit of his story… For years and years, he was a down and out alcoholic, wandering and living on the streets… When no one thought there was any hope, God rescued him…
Since he became a follower of Christ 8 and a half years ago, he has been working as a wheelbarrow man…
…sharing God´s joy with others…
I hope others can SEE my testimony before they hear it…
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At the end of 2014, we approached Jessica to be a part of our team, believing that she´d be a great asset… however, we found out that her morning job paid nearly 4 times as much as we were offering for the afternoon and it wouldn´t be enough to financially help her parents and siblings… Unfortunately, we couldn´t increase our offer so we apologized, saying that we´d completely understand her saying “no”…
A couple days later, she let us know that God put it in her heart to accept our offer, but just for one year… that she would trust Him to provide her needs…
Looking at 2016, I thought I´d ask Jessica if in her new job she happened to have a free day, to keep us in mind, that we´d be happy to pay her for an afternoon a week… Before I had a chance to make the offer, Jessica asked to stay at El Jordán for one more year, that she has fallen in love with the ministry – with the women and the workshops… As she taught the girls this month about “keeping ourselves free of the love of money”, God worked in her own heart. She remembered how God faithfully provided for her family´s needs… Could she stay on, but only 4 afternoons a week? On the fifth afternoon, she´d work independently to earn a bit more money… Wow!!! Thank you God!
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The other day in cards´ class, to make conversation, I asked 19 year old Jan Carla… “What is the best gift you have ever received?” She didn´t answer at first so I tried to help her, “Like, something for Christmas or a birthday…”
Her answer surprised me… “My little sister…” Jan Carla has practically been “mom” to her 4 year old sister because the real mom has found a new boyfriend, sometimes doesn´t come home at night, and spends most of her time “watching cars” on the streets… Jan Carla had to drop out of 11th grade to look after Fabiola… Rather than see her little sister as a burden or a curse, Jan Carla sees her as “the best gift I´ve ever received”… because, “without her, I wouldn´t have been able to handle living at home, I would have run away… she saved me…”
Wow… I wonder how many of us don´t realize that our greatest burdens are actually the most precious gifts…
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P.S. While I´ve been writing about these “God sightings” over the last week, SO many other things fight to bring us down… but… even in the midst of discouragement, God´s fingerprints are still there…
… tiny little Juan Jahaziel (“God is gracious” and “Beheld by God”) was buried… We were able to challenge the small group of family who had gathered, that along with David in the Bible who also lost his little son, there is the hope that one day, for those who know Christ, they will be reunited with their babies one day…
…a father who has abused his daughter… The only one who fights to defend the girl is one of our “girls”… who knows that pain… Tomorrow one of our workers will be going with them to social services…
…broken hand and broken foot… same person, different days… Laura is a mom of 7 who sells toys etc. on the streets… In her church they were collecting groceries to give to the “needy”… Because of her foot, she hadn´t gotten out to sell… She had 6 Bs. ($1) at home, then someone gave her 10 Bs… Rather than buy something for her family, she bought groceries to give… She had to hobble, walk to church because she didn´t have money for bus fare… At church she got the surprise that SHE was the needy family…
…Eli… a friend and volunteer at El Jordán, is in the middle of tests to confirm a tumor that they believe to be cancerous… She happened to go to the doctor for something simple and unrelated when this other showed up…
…the couple who was looking after our property had serious family problems… and left… Pray that we will find the right people to take care of “The Pilgrim´s Refuge”… (and the Christmas chickens and pigs!!)… Meanwhile, Marco has to run back and forth… Last night on his way home, vehicles in front of him slammed on their brakes… The kid in a new little FIAT didn’t brake… went crashing into Marco´s truck… It took 2 hours to get the impaled FIAT free from Marco´s hitch!!! Sigh… ...on the bright side, nothing happened to Marco´s truck (maybe just to his neck!)
…the kid who was helping look after the soccer field at our workshops decided only to work until the end of November!!! He had a conflict in his schedule and couldn’t fulfill the hours… SIGH! At the same time, some people we know desperately needed a job and a place to live… They moved in on December 1st… and will at least help us out for this busy month…
Then there´s other stressful things like… flat tires… an exploding lamp… broken locks… ungrateful attitudes… double Christmas bonuses… bills… and more…
Where would we be without God´s fingerprints on our lives?
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Well… I still want to tell you about our 15 year celebration… but I´ll get this part of the letter off… and continue on “Part 2” this next week!
Thank you… for your prayers for us… for your encouragement and support…
You are God´s fingerprints in our lives…