Well, here we are... continuing on in the ups and downs of our lives...trying to keep our eyes on Christ and the "things above"... but sometimes its hard when things don't go the way you think they should!!!! =) Problems with my vehicle... and problems with the computer are things that seem to plague me... I got my truck to my front door on Tuesday from the body shop... and the battery died... I got a new battery... when the whole electrical system went kaput... the mechanic thought it was the "brain"...which would cost $400 just for the parts... but he wouldn't be able to tell me for sure until he worked on it more the next day... It turned out to be a fuse!!! ...so that was great news... but now my computer is acting up and I can't use my e-mail on it.. I'm using the e-mail on my old computer, but the addresses aren't updated... Hopefully I'll get my laptop up and going again soon... I had plans to write another update... but that might have to wait a bit...
I did want to thank you so very much... to everyone who has been praying for us... the ministry... the project with the boys... our problems with the neighbours... etc. It has been so encouraging to receive your notes and letters of encouragement... and saying that you are praying for us... I felt a bit like Elijah who felt so alone... until God showed him 7000 others who hadn't bowed down to Baal... Thank you for standing with us... you are so necessary... and we appreciate you greatly... What I want you to pray for now is WISDOM... What do we do now? What is the next step? The boys classes are functioning in my old apartment at El Jordan... but it is obvious that it can only be temporary... They need their own space... they need more space... (the air circulation isn't good so the body odors and the smell of the glue they use for the leather gets really strong... not healthy for anyone... especially for those who might still struggle with a glue addiction).
Anyhow... there have been some things happening in the last couple days that make us wonder if there is the possibility of moving back to the old place... that is where we need wisdom to know how to handle each situation... and not lean on our own understanding or feelings... Please pray that God will clearly guide... and continue to work in the hearts of our neighbours ... opening and closing doors... and continuing to rest His hand on HIS work and people!!
Thanks so much... and I'll write again as soon as I'm able!!!!